Rock your Body!

Lana Penrose, author of Conversations with Blob, has a chat with Blob about the importance of our bodies.

What might Blob have to say about your body?

It’s interesting. He’d likely first remind you that you are way more than your body. He’d encourage you to remember that you are mind, body and spirit. He’d say something like, “You place a lot of emphasis on that fine body of yours, positioning it at the apex of the mind/body/spirit triangle. It has become something of an obsession on your planet. But let me remind you that you are so much more than a column of flesh with thrashing limbs and batting eyelids who laments over not having bumps and curves in all the right places!”

He would next move on to love. He would be emphatic that your body deserves the highest recognition there is for the amazing function it performs. He would be adamant that it deserves the utmost respect, care and kindness. He would recommend that you sincerely love it – not in a conceited, chrome-filter, ‘Watch me do a bend-back in my bikini’-Instagram kind of way, but in a way that sends blessings to the very nucleus of your cells.

He would suggest that you truly appreciate your body while acknowledging your spiritual perfection. He’d say, “Sure! Purify it. Cleanse it. Nourish it. Love it. Send thoughts of sincere gratitude to the amazing vehicle in which you are housed. Keep conveying to your every molecule that you are thankful for the dynamic role that it plays. Celebrate your body for the avatar that it is. Celebrate its energy, dexterity, resilience and capacity to move, shake and love. If you pay attention to it in this way, you will experience not only the enormity of its role, but the enormity of what it represents, which is to say you in physical form!”

And I know this for sure. He’d say, “If you could only see yourself as I do – as an exquisite, beautiful and perfect being – you would begin to perceive yourself entirely differently. You would not over-identify with your body, yet you would love it all the same. You would dance through your days like a child who spares no thought for how glorious it appears!”

Yup, Blob would recommend that you pay deep homage to the meat suits in which you find yourself without mistakenly believing that that’s all there is to you. He’d advocate that you rock your body while remembering your soul. He’d want you to remember that body or no body, you are an incredible entity pulsating with perpetual, enduring, white-hot love, that you are a jaw-dropping human-being blind to your own godliness, and that you are pure, divine consciousness in human form.

By Lana Penrose

Author of Conversations with Blob – A Guide to Spiritual Living in a World Gone Mad.


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