Deck Review: Isis Oracle Pocket Edition

Isis Oracle Pocket Edition

Isis Oracle was created to teach you about your soul’s journey and help you conquer your woes through love. Author Alana Fairchild guides you to find your power whilst remaining deeply connected to your heart.  Alana has a huge following and an impressive body of work including thirteen books, twenty oracle decks and thirty albums of sacred music and meditation. 

I have the Isis Oracle Pocket Edition with the cards measuring just 7 x 10.3 cm.  With their protective hard box, they are the perfect size for travel as they fit neatly in my handbag. The beautiful artwork by Jimmy Manton has a red and orange pallet and reminds me of vintage movie posters and illustrations with gorgeous heroines and exacting gods. 

The author suggests a one or five card reading. The little pocket edition doesn’t have a guidebook but all you need to evoke your intuition are the illustrations and the author’s explanation on the back of each card. There are forty-four oracle cards and a card for the introduction and instructions. It’s concise, compact and beautiful. 

With my scepticism in check, I read for myself today for a change and pulled five cards as the author suggests.  I was a bit taken aback by how accurate the first card was, it was scarily spot on! I was then honestly astonished at the exactness of the rest of cards and reading.  

This superbly created deck is obviously produced to evoke and encourage love. It’s the perfect gift for a girlfriend, sister or any woman in your world. 


Review by Peta Morphett
Purchase the Isis Oracle Pocket Edition


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